Product Discovery & Lean UX

Our flagship course focusing on building cross-functional collaboration and customer empathy in your agile product development teams.

Lean UX and product discovery brings together designers, product managers and software developers in a way that embraces the inherent agility of modern software systems. We use the Lean UX canvas to teach your teams the proper way to frame their business problems, identify their target audience, define outcome-based goals and then test those assumptions in the fastest way possible.

Learning goals:

  • Work from a problem statement not a solution to implement

  • Define a specific target audience and validate their needs

  • Set outcome-based goals

  • Design and execute rapid experiments

  • Get to market faster

  • Build and design the right products for your customers

Lean Product Management

A superset of the Lean UX class created for product managers to reimagine their work, not as foremen in a feature factory, but as navigators of uncertainty.

Lean product management is focused on product managers working to improve their practice and shift their mindset from simply delivering features to navigating the uncertainty of digital product development AND bringing their teams along with them.

Learning goals:

  • Define a product strategy in a short amount of time

  • Identify OKRs that mean success for your product strategy

  • Declare all the basic assumptions around your initiative

  • Write and test solution hypotheses

  • Get ideas to market quickly

  • Build a learning loop with your customers

  • Integrate continuous learning and iteration into your product roadmaps

  • Increase the agility of the team and the organization

Objectives and Key Results — A masterclass for your entire organization

Bring your entire organization into alignment with OKRs. This course is designed to teach everyone in your company the benefits and proper usage of this human-centred goal-setting framework.

Everyone has a customer — even the folks HR, marketing, legal and finance. OKRs help your company set goals that keep the humans you serve top of mind. In this groundbreaking workshop based on Jeff Gothelf and Josh Seiden’s best-selling book, Who does what by how much?, this masterclass in objectives and key results impresses a mindset shift on your teams that the only real way to set goals and measure success is through meaningful changes in human behavior.

Learning goals:

  • Align the organization around the same goals

  • Understand the difference between outputs and outcomes

  • Define who your “customer” is regardless of what your job is

  • Write excellent objective and key result statements

  • Build in a continuous OKR practice

  • Create a culture that obsesses over the humans that you serve

  • Massively improve organizational agility

Storytelling superpowers for great presentations

Learn to tell great stories, get your point across and influence your colleagues.

Telling great stories means getting your point across to colleagues, stakeholders, clients and executives. Join us for this masterclass in storytelling. We’ll build up your superpowers so you can give the best presentation of your life every time.

Learning goals:

  • Understand the goal of your story

  • Develop a story arc

  • Learn how to make your audience the hero

  • Land each and every punchline

  • Grow your influence

This course is coming soon. If you’d like to learn more about it, fill out the quick form below.